How to Make Dating and Relationships Easier

by Relationship Coach Rinatta Paries on November 16, 2012

in Articles, Break-ups and Divorce, Dating, Heartbreak, Marriage, Men's Help, Relationships, Singles, Women's Help

Relationships can be a sweet, wonderful, nourishing part of our lives.

Instead they are more often a headache and a heartache.

From not being able to find a partner to struggling with a partner’s annoying or even unacceptable choices, to not getting your needs met, to being rejected, or dealing with your partner’s incomprehensible reactions, haven’t you HAD IT with relationships?

Before you throw in the towel, let me talk to you about why dating is hard, why relationships often disappoint, and what you can do to about it, so that you can have THE relationship you want.

In the following audio, you will hear me being interviewed by fellow coach Christie Inge.

Christie invited me to speak to her community of women to help them address relationship issues.

Even thought the following conversation is directed towards women, men will find it equality valuable, because the relationship issues talked about in this conversation are universal.

Listen to Why dating is hard, or your relationship does not work, and what to do about it


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