6 Steps for Singles to Create a Happy, Long-Term Relationship

For people who fear a happy, lasting relationship might not be possible, I take you through the practical, step by step process that will make it happen.

5 Ways to Quickly and Fully Recover from a Breakup or Divorce

Collection of 5 articles to help stop the hurt from a breakup or divorce, successfully let go of the past partner, and move on.

5 Crucial Secrets to Save Your Relationship or Marriage

The 5 things you need to know to save your relationship or marriage, typically reserved for coaching clients only.

Does Distance Make the Heart Grow Fonder?

A few weeks ago I was interviewed on HER Radio, a show on Radio MD. The hosts and I talked about long-distance relationships, whether distance makes the heart grow fonder and the implications of this for in-person long-term partnerships. In the interview we covered what works and what doesn’t in long-distance relationships, how to transition […]

How to Enjoy Valentine’s Day

Does Valentine’s Day evoke negative feelings for you? Many men feel that Valentine’s Day is “her” day, fraught with hazards, as they are expected to come up with the perfect romantic evening to satisfy the woman they are with. Both men and women in long-term relationships or marriages often resent the massive commercialization around Valentine’s […]

How to Fulfill Your Deepest Relationship Needs

You and I both know that relationships are important. When the experience of a relationship does not match your desire, this can be upsetting, frustrating, or even down-right depressing. And of course when you’re upset about something significant, you have a lot of feelings about it. The significance coupled with all these emotions can make […]

Let Love Have Its Way With You

If you are not certain if your current relationship can be saved or needs to be let go, reading this article might give you insight into your situation.

New Year Relationship Resolution Strategy

In today’s article I will help you move towards a great strategy for your New Year’s relationship resolutions. The article contains a process that will take you a long way toward creating the relationship you want this year.

How to Have Happy Holidays while Alone or in a Difficult Relationship

Enjoying the holidays may be difficult when the relationship situation in your life is not exactly what you want. Follow the 3 guidelines below to make sure you have a happy holiday season, regardless of your relationship situation.

How to Peacefully Resolve Conflict in Your Relationship

When conflict arises in a relationship, both people often feel that their partner is trying to hurt them. Instead it is better to assume underlying good intentions, because that is what is actually going on. In most cases, the intention during conflict is not to create hurt, but rather to create closeness, even though the […]